** Exact topics and schedule subject to change, based on student interests and course discussions. **

Date Topics Readings
2/4 Week 1 Introduction [slides]
  • Course syllabus and requirements
  • Introduction to AI and AI research
2/6 Week 1 Introduction to AI Research [slides]
  • Introduction to AI and AI research
  • Generating ideas, reading and writing papers, AI experimentation
2/11 Week 2 Foundation 1: Data, structure, information [slides]
  • Common data modalities
  • Data collection strategies
  • Training objectives and generalization
2/14 Week 2 Foundation 2: Practical AI tools [slides]
  • Getting started with PyTorch
  • Huggingface packages
  • Debugging machine learning models
2/18 Week 3 No class, shifted President's day
2/20 Week 3 Project proposal presentations
2/25 Week 4 Foundation 3: Common model architectures
  • Structure and invariances
  • Temporal sequence models
  • Spatial convolution models
  • Models for sets and graphs
2/25 Week 4 Discussion 1: Learning and generalization
3/4 Week 5 Multimodal 1: Connections and alignment
  • Heterogeneity, connections, and interactions
  • Multimodal technical challenges
  • Alignment and transformers
3/6 Week 5 Discussion 2: Specialized vs general-purpose models
3/11 Week 6 Multimodal 2: Interactions and fusion
  • Cross-modal interactions
  • Multimodal fusion
3/13 Week 6 Discussion 3: Multimodal interactions
3/18 Week 7 Multimodal 3: Cross-modal transfer
  • Cross-modal learning via fusion
  • Cross-modal learning via alignment
  • Cross-modal learning via translation
3/20 Week 7 Discussion 4: Cross-modal learning
3/25 Week 8 No class, spring break
4/1 Week 9 Large models 1: Large Foundation Models
  • Pre-training data
  • Self-supervised learning
  • Fine-tuning, instructing, alignment
4/3 Week 9 Project midterm presentations
4/8 Week 10 No class, member's week
4/15 Week 11 Large models 2: Large multimodal models
  • Multimodal pre-training
  • Adapting large language models to multimodal
  • Multimodal LLMs with generation
4/17 Week 11 Discussion 5: Large language models
4/22 Week 12 Large models 3: Modern generative models
  • Diffusion models
  • Controllable generation
4/24 Week 12 Discussion 6: Large multimodal models
4/29 Week 13 Interaction 1: Interactive agents and reasoning
  • WebAgent platforms
  • Multi-step reasoning
5/1 Week 13 Discussion 7: Generative AI
5/6 Week 14 Interaction 2: Embodied AI
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Tangible and embodied systems
  • Real-world considerations
5/8 Week 14 Project final presentations
5/13 Week 15 Interaction 3: Human AI interaction
  • Interaction mediums
  • Human in the loop learning
  • Safety and reliability